Update – December 2010

Hi Everyone-

I have been meaning to update my blog for weeks now. I just get so busy that when I get home at night my second role – being a mommy – kicks into high gear, and well after house stuff, kid stuff, cooking stuff, I barely have enough time to get my gear together for the next day before heading off to bed.

My website – As you can see there have been some changes around here. I now switched to wordpress – thank you to my web developer – Paul of MirapDesigns.com. Learning another web program can be a bit frustrating as you have to start all over again. Although I wish the information would just ‘be’ in my head, but it is a work in progress like many things.

Last IFBB show of the Year – Let’s start with the last event I was preparing for – the 2010 Fort Lauderdale Cup. Fort Lauderdale was a wonderful trip away from home, and I welcomed the warmth. I get so cold dieting – being skinny during this time (don’t e-slap me) does have its drawbacks. However, losing weight in the fall/winter for me is much easier. I did start my diet around 60 days out from the show. For the Europa Texas in August I only dieted around 32 days and it was crunch time for that one. Whew!

For the FT Cup I had plenty of time, and I was working so much the weight came off, how can I say this – easier.
I always seems to have this fear of not making the show date and not being ready in time. As when you really sit down and think about what a competitor does to their body to get ready for a show – it is really quite something. By a specific date in time you need to be a certain size or have a certain look. Not many can do this. It is crazy to think that you can change your body like that for a certain point in time. Amazing and superiorly crazy at the same time.

5th place trophy

I placed 5th at the FT Cup – happy, but I want more. You can see a small album of pictures on my facebook fan page.

I was really hoping for top 3 as they get an Olympia qualification, but the talent at this show was fierce. You can see 5 of the routines – including mine at www.fitnessrxmag.com. It is hard to be upset after the show as I like all the girls I compete against, and well – we are all very talented and good. I don’t get as upset as I used to as we are all pro – and we have all been champions at some point.  You never know how the day is going to play out, and well, I am a first year IFBB pro.  I don’t have much expectations going into a show except that I want to always perform well.  The results – well – I never am too stressed about that.

There is a certain amount of mutual respect that is given when you compete in fitness. Mutual respect given to each other. We know how hard it is, and how it is a dying part of the bodybuilding community. But I believe that fitness will once again be as popular as ever. Right now bikini is hot, but when the pendulum swings the other way fitness will be back out in the spotlight.

Speaking of spotlightRX Muscle did an ‘lifestyle spotlight’ on me during my time in Fort Lauderdale.  We went shopping, short workout, and talked about various things going on in my life.  Thank you to Dave Palumbo and Aaron for being there for the weekend, and making me laugh a lot.

Upnext for me – well, I was considering taking a break from fitness.  For a while at least – and oh, that thought lasted about 5 minutes.  Everyday I get up go to the gym, train, and eat really well.   What is different from when I am not competing? —> the diet.  Yes, that is about it.  I just don’t eat as clean normally as I would when I am dieting for a show.  I still eat really well, but throw in a few things – like m & m’s or bread & butter to my meals, and don’t worry too much about it.  So, I sent in my application for the Arnold 2011.

Perspective – There are many new girls from Canada applying to the Arnold, and the funny thing is – all of them have written to me to ask how to apply.  I am very proud that I am approachable to the other girls taking the road into the Pros.  And you know what else…I am so glad that they are not waiting to compete as a pro.  So what if you might or might not go to the bottom of the list?  Does it matter?  Not really.  Then you are able to be among the best in the world and work just as hard as you did in the amateurs.  The work does not stop.  Life is meant to be lived, and why girls wait I do not understand.  Yes, I get that life happens, and there are other priorities – I do get that, but if you can, and are able to why not compete?  And this is just not for when you turn pro. Girls who train their butts off for a show and never get on the stage – what are you waiting for?   There is no perfect time to compete as life is always happening.  So if you need a trainer – get one (or just hire me….;).  Get someone to help you with your posing.  Training and a good diet are always happening so it is just the peripherals you might need – shoes, suit, tan, makeup, hair.  If you are competing in fitness yes there are more items to consider but things will always fall into place. If you want to do it, have at least one other person in your life who is going to get you there – whether it be with motivation, or your actual trainer/coach.

So now that I will get off my soapbox….

The holidays – The last few weeks of the year will be preparing for a huge vacation with the family to Thailand.  I am very excited to be travelling to Thailand for the 3rd time in my life.  Super country, cheap food, and lodging, and lots to do – plenty of sun (not to hot) & beaches.  I could not ask for more. The first time we went was in 2004 for Christmas – the year of the Tsunami.  We were flying in the air when it happened.   There are still places that have not recovered.  We went to Qatar and Sri Lanka last Christmas, and saw similar situation with the rebuilding in Sri Lanka.  It is always a fun time of year, but at the same time for those in the area it is a sad time as they are all remembering that day in 2004.

Since I am able to update my website from any computer, I will blog about the events in Thailand over the holidays.  Eating well while over there is not too difficult, however, I always bring food with me.  I have learned over the years that when you think that you can always ‘pick up’ something – in a foreign country that is not always possible.  I mean, I have to bring toilet paper with me everywhere as there never is any in any public washroom…..but digress.

December 20th or so…the lists should be out for the Arnold.  I am anxiously awaiting.  I know the numbers are up for applications this year and in fitness they only choose 15.  Please let me be one of the 15…….gotta redeem myself.  😉

Talk soon,


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Written by Allison Ethier
Allison Ethier, is a wellness lifestyle & body coach, IFBB Fitness Pro, and mom & coffee lover. She provides structured training, and flexible nutrition, to guide everyday athletes, to move better, build strength, and feel good in their own skin. B.Sc, B. Edu, NSCA-CPT, ISSN, PN1 [email protected]
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