Toronto Pro Supershow Wrap-up


Hi Everyone-

Here we are. A week ago I was on my way to the Toronto Pro Supershow. I cannot believe how quickly time flies.  I have to say that I had a great time out in Toronto and met some extremely wonderful people.

Wednesday I decided to leave for Kingston as I would be picking up a friend on Thursday, so I decided to stay with an old childhood friend. We shared many laughs (no alcohol included) and then on Thursday I was off.  A quick stop at Costco and then a shorter than normal drive to T.  Only 2.5 hours and we were there.  Either there was very little traffic or I have a heavy foot – might go with the later.  We stopped off at the airport and picked up my fellow competitor – Sherry Jensen – who was always competing in the IFBB Pro Fitness division.  Her and I are so normal – she has 4 kids – I have one – house, family, husband, fitness career. Competing is something she likes to do only once per year, I however, like the more extreme approach of 5-6x per year.    We always get along really well, have lots of laughs, and are in it more for the fun – than the glory.

Off to our hotel, and few groceries, and we were set.

Friday was a scheduled with makeup – by Elaine Goodlad – who always does an amazing job and tanning by JanTana.  Luckily the show this year started a little later – 1:30pm so we all had plenty of time to get ready. The athlete meeting was in the am of show day instead of the night before but since we are all pros and have done this process (getting our numbers and information) so many times before, things tend to run quite smoothly.  I love going near the front of the pack of competitors, at least in the first 5 of the order of competitors. I really don’t like have to stand around and wait to go and perform – however, with each show getting on stage is much less about being nervous but more about being excited, and really to show off your stuff. This is one benefit to competing so much – you get familiar with the process, and more relaxed about the audience, and judging part of the show and get more into being onstage and really selling yourself.


Here are a few pictures from the show.

I do not have video of the routine, but I am hoping someone caught the routines, and will post them.  I loved performing my routine this year – all year.  I did make a few changes for this show – I added some more handstands, and some strong press holds, and a one arm one leg pushups.  I have to say since the implementation of figure – the fitness routines have become much more difficult.  I say this as I do gymnastics.  Not Nationals level quality gymnastics, but I can running tumble, do flips and walk on my hands.  Lately I have been noticing more gymnastics than ever in the routines.    They tend not to be fitness routines but more of a gymnastics routine with a few pushups.  Yes, this is a lot of cross over between gymnastics, and fitness, but I see that the gymnastics is once again starting to dominate the routine.  I know I should not be mentioning this as yes, I do gymnastics.  But to what extent does a fitness routine no longer become fitness, and now becomes a gymnastics routine?  What I fear is that girls who can dance or who have athletic ability to do the routine, won’t try fitness as they don’t have gymnastics.








What I loved about the night show was that it started at 7pm and by 7:45 we were pretty much done competing.  The most stressful part for me is doing the routine, and I can actually feel my stress release as I am finished the routine and walking off stage.   My routine went perfectly.  I could not have done better.  My physique can always improve, and I am always trying.  I am not as lean as some of the girls, and do not possess that type of muscle size, so I end up not doing as well overall as my physique score is so low.


I placed 3rd in routine, and tied for 8th in physique which landed me in 6th.  I am pleased.  Right now I am sitting in the 5th spot to qualify for the Olympia.

The next fitness show is not until September, and I have not decided if I will attend – but more than likely 😉

After the show, we all went out to eat. Lone Star. Love it. We don’t have this restaurant near me so when I get to eat nachos – just plain, extra salt, and I really enjoy myself.  Top it off with a few margaritas – Sherry’s favourite and we were all set.


The rest of the night was eating all those things we dream about.

Saturday, I spend the morning helping out JanTana’s crew – and then we decided to go to the mall.  Earlier that day we had shopped in the Eatons center, but our other roomie – Michelle had a family emergency so I took her out to the airport.  Sherry and I then decided to go back to the mall to look for Father’s Day present, and it was my husband birthday on Tuesday.  We arrived at the mall, and rush of people were coming at us from inside the mall. Not knowing what really was going on, Sherry and I thought it was a rush of people coming off the subway.

So we continued into the mall. Then we noticed all the stores had closed, but yet there were people inside.  In my head, I was thinking – hmmm – Toronto, 6pm, Saturday night, mall should not be closed?   I did not know what was going on, there were no people around us, so we decided to start walking down to the food court area, as we had wanted to go to Shoppers which of all places would probably be open even if everything else was closed.

As we were walking, there was another rush of people running with intent in the other direction so we stopper a couple and asked what was going on. They said, ‘there is a shooter in the mall down in the cafeteria’.  Then the security guard, and some other guys in uniform came out of no where, and screamed, ‘Get out of the mall’.  Since we were were on the lower level now we had to go back up 2 floors to get out to the street.  We hung around the door, and watched them wheel out 2 people on gurneys.

The area was not as chaotic as mentioned on the news, but people were milling around just being interested and wanted to know what happened. Sherry and I decided to continue on a shopping spree, and ended up a Jack Astors for more margaritas.


After competing, the mall incident, and battling rain and thundershows all weekend, we were pretty spent, so decided to go back to the hotel to rest.   We did not go out to the after party.  We were both very tired.  Although my intent is always to make to the after party of a fitness event, I just never seem to as my sleep is so important to me, and when you are away from your child, and get to sleep – you take it!

On Sunday, I decided to catch a few events at the show before leaving.  I watched the cross fit event – they are a little intense for me- I will need some training before I decide to compete in cross fit.  Also I arm wrestled the world champion and received really good pointers if I wanted to start competing in arm wrestling.  They said I caught on really well.  I have the information and I might look into it.  Could be fun – non?

All and all the weekend went really well.  What is next for me?  The show in September but until then, I will still be blogging, working, a family summer vacation and working to improve for the next show.

Talk soon,



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Written by Allison Ethier
Allison Ethier, is a wellness lifestyle & body coach, IFBB Fitness Pro, and mom & coffee lover. She provides structured training, and flexible nutrition, to guide everyday athletes, to move better, build strength, and feel good in their own skin. B.Sc, B. Edu, NSCA-CPT, ISSN, PN1

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