Reverse Dieting 101



There are 3 phases to the competition strategy:

  • Pre prep phase (months, to up to 16 weeks before a show)
  • Prep phase (12-16 weeks out)
  • Post show phase (8 weeks to + months).

The post show phase is the most difficult part of the competition/stage experience. Many don’t talk about this phase, as if you new what lay ahead, you may not want to step on stage.

You as an athlete if you use a prep coach, should be asking about post show period, and what is exactly included in your prep fees.   If you are looking for information on finding a good coach see here.

You never know you need post show support until you need it.Click To Tweet

Back in the day, we just called this process ‘backing out of your diet’, or ‘not being a pig’ after a show.

After a few shows, girls knew, what would happen post show.  So back then we lived, we learned, and sometimes we suffered in silence.  No one had a prep coach; we just had each other, and the magazines to keep us inspired.   Message boards became a place of solace, where girls shared stories of two wardrobes, one for when they were in shape, and other larger sizes when they were in the ‘off season’.

Hungry hormones are elevated (ghrelin), you cannot stop eating as you have the urge to EAT, you have less structure as you don’t the pressure of the show, and you eat lots of food (mostly of the not so good kind), even when your stomach is over full.   Most, would look like shadow of their former fit selfs, within days of the show.  It is imperative, to get back to regular eating regime, ASAP and NO, another show will not ‘solve the problem’.

Post show period, is THE most important part of the contest prep experience.

You are vulnerable to overeating, and getting it wrong, as now the pressure of the show is not longer upon you and you have to return to ‘normal’ life.

I work with many clients who have competed, who had not been properly followed post show.

Most recently, I reverse dieted (is that proper grammar?) a bikini competitor who was only eating 100g of carbs post show for weeks.  She was eating the same foods, over and over again, and was very emotionally drawn.  She was unhappy, and did not know where to turn as her current trainer, did not offer her any guidance.

She now eats over 250g-300g of carbs, and since working together has lost 3 lbs, is much happier at home (her husbands says so), and has energy to fuel her workouts.  She does not obsesses over every morsel that goes into her mouth, for fear of gaining weight.  It took us months, and we are still working together as she does have aspirations of stepping onstage again.  This time she will do it the RIGHT way, and REVERSE diet the right way as well.

Currently she weighs LESS, is LEANER, and IS eating MORE, than when she was in prep.

If you are having trouble getting back on track post show, need a little guidance, accountability and good quality information, I can help you get back on track faster than you having to figure it out all on your own.

GET HELP, if you are struggling.

Don’t go at this in silence and struggle to adapt back to regular life.

My coaching includes mentoring, and support, to get you back to a balanced life.


The process of raising calories slowly in order to minimize fat gain Strategy used after a period of extreme fat loss, or period of extreme leannessClick To Tweet

Allison Ethier is a professional online trainer & contest prep coach.
She trains clients out of Excellence Fitness Facility in Quebec, Canada.
With over 20 years of competitive experience in fitness, she specializes in fat loss, muscle gain, and coaching individuals to their fit-life balance.

  • Fat loss, Muscle Gain
  • Contest Prep (or just look like you do)
  • Nutritional Guidance & Accountability
  • Mindset & Lifestyle

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Written by Allison Ethier
Allison Ethier, is a wellness lifestyle & body coach, IFBB Fitness Pro, and mom & coffee lover. She provides structured training, and flexible nutrition, to guide everyday athletes, to move better, build strength, and feel good in their own skin. B.Sc, B. Edu, NSCA-CPT, ISSN, PN1

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