Post Baby Weight Loss-3 Recommendations

I was inspired to write my experience with post baby weight loss from this article on the NY Times:

I managed to get all my baby weight off, and then some (probably muscle loss) in about 6 months post partum with my second child.    I gained 65lbs with my first pregnancy, 10 years ago, and 35lbs with the second. I had a small fear that losing the weight the second time around, would be harder.    I was wrong.  It was actually easier this time around.

However, the trick here was that I did not gain as much weight as I did the first time around.   Sometimes it is hard to avoid for some pregnancies, but try your best not to overdo it and eat everything in sight.

With my first, the quality of milk did go down, as I was dieting (in the traditional sense) and stepped back onstage 7 months after having my first child 10 years ago. When I competed, I was still very soft from gaining so much weight.  I am still breastfeeding with my second child, and now I am 6 months post partum, and all the weight is off AND I am not soft like I was with my first child.

Here are 3 recommendations for successful weight loss while breastfeeding:

  1. The key to weight loss with both pregnancies – lots of WALKING. Yup. Just basic ole regular walking.  Sometimes 2x per day.    Sure I added weights as well, but WALKING was my main activity.  If you are given the ok to add weight training – you can do exercises most days – somewhere between 3-5x per week, as little as 20 minutes.
  2. In my opinion, and experience, I do not feel it is necessary to ‘diet’ the post baby weight off, as suggested by the article.
    If anything eat higher quality of foods, lots of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, carbs such as potatoes, rice, dairy – even the high fat ones AND move every day.  Sure you can have treats but the majority of your foods should be real food. Stay away from processed foods, fake foods, and high sugary sweets/treats.  Eating better will ensure weight loss. There is not way you are going to overeat fruits, and vegetables and NOT lose weight.  It is possible but not LIKELY.
  3. The third component that I recommend is PATIENCE. You have to give your body time to lose the weight and not push the issue.  I pushed it the first time, and honestly I was no further ahead, than if I just gave my body time to heal, and gradually returned to training rather than wanting to be there yesterday.

If the scale is showing a downward trend, and your clothes are fitting better you are on your WAY. Not need to RUSH.

Enjoy this time with your little one, as they say it goes FAST. And they really DO grow that fast.

If you need help in losing that post pregnancy weight, or have fitness goals in mind, feel free to contact me, as I can help get you THERE.


Allison Ethier is an online trainer and contest prep coach. She also trains clients early am at Excellence Fitness Facility in Quebec, Canada. With over 16 years of competitive experience in fitness, she specializes in fat loss, muscle gain, and guiding individuals to their perfect body.

  • Fat loss
  • Muscle Gain
  • Contest Prep
  • Nutritional guidance
  • Contest posing: Fitness, Figure, and Bikini

See further information on Services Page.

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Written by Allison Ethier
Allison Ethier, is a wellness lifestyle & body coach, IFBB Fitness Pro, and mom & coffee lover. She provides structured training, and flexible nutrition, to guide everyday athletes, to move better, build strength, and feel good in their own skin. B.Sc, B. Edu, NSCA-CPT, ISSN, PN1

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