Hey all-
Back from Miami. I placed 4th. I was .4 away from 3rd place. I did think that things went well, but to everyone’s surprise, WNSO (due to unforseen circumstances) changed the event venue on the Wednesday before the event.(I was to leave on the Friday for the event.) That was a bit disconcerning. It moved from the Deauville hotel to Hollywood, FLA which was 45 mins away. The stage ended up being very small, which freaked me out as I am not used to having curtains, posters, and mic equipement so close to my performance. I did downgrade a few things and when you practice you move in a certain way, so during the performance I was constantly checking and guessing my distance around the stage in preparation for the next move. Tough, but I got through it.
My goal at this event was to work out the bugs of competing again, and the nerves. I am proud of that. I was really nervous as it had been 2 years since being in front of a crowd.
Here are some pics…
The results…Sheri 1st, Sylvia 2nd, Amelie 3rd, and me 4th. I am not sure of the rest of the results but the girls were all so good. The show was very small, but a good quality of competitor.
Next up is the FAP Nationals so I will be working really hard until then. I have to lean out my body more, and up my difficulty in my routine, but I know that I can do it. I am hoping for a top 5 finish. There is a max of 30 girls competing in the event, as FAP capped it to 30 girls this year. I am excited to see friends, and have some girl time.
I did my miss ‘little guy’ when I was away and am happy to be back taking care of him.
Gotta go and make a training ‘plan’ for the week.
MASSIVE CONGRATS to you Allison.
You know to come back from being pregnant, re-tune the physique, and nail a 4th, is pretty impressive.
Tough to lose 3rd by 0.4, but really, to have come 4th, from your post-pregnancy startpoint, is just a fanttastic achievement.
I’m sure if you could physically jump over the moon, you probably would have ;-).
I know in the future Zach will be so proud of his talented Mother, and you definitely should be proud of yourself. This is a wonderful comeback to competing, and even given your starting point, you proved that Champions heart and spirit, is still as strong as ever.
I know you will be everything you are capable of and possibly more at the FAP.
GOOD LUCK Allison, we’re all routing for you as ever, and you did look absolutely amazing in the pics, I know you’ll sparkle even more, when you’ve finished tweaking the physique some more.
All the best Allsion, you are a real inspiration.
OMG! Ally you look amazing. Congrats on being back on stage. You should be so proud of yourself, being back on stage so soon, and placing so well. I can’t wait to see you in the main event. You are going to be a star performer there, I’m sure.
You look amazing! I am so happy for you! Wow, 4th place, a FEIRCE competitor you are!
I’m sure Zack is so proud of his mommy.
I’ll bet it was very cool having him in the crowd cheering for you.
Congrats Allison and thank you so much for taking us along for the journey….We can’t wait until Nationals!
Hey Allison, Wow! You look incredible…seriously:) Your abs look just as good as before. I never would have guessed you have a 6-7 month old baby. Congrats on 4th place, thats great! Im really impressed, and you should be so proud of yourself. Congrats again, and cant wait to track your progress to the next show. Have a great week allison!
Just in two weeks from your last post to comp. time you got considerablly leaner, what did your dieting/fitness regimen consist of???
I had a baby 12 weeks ago – and its taking FOREVER getting the weight off – i have been working out since 4 weeks post partum – (felt great after i had her). Its getting very frusterating, i thought the weight would come off quicker. I still can’t fit into one pair of pants pre-pregnancy. Any suggestions would be great.
from 2 weeks prior to the show you leaned out considerably, what was your diet like and workout regimen?
I had a baby 12 weeks ago and its taking forever for the weight to come off. I started back working out 4 weeks post-partum, and i still can’t fit into any of my pre-preg. pants. Its getting very frustertating considering I workout faithfully 5xs a week, and eat clean. Any suggestions, what worked for you. I am sick of not seeing the scale move.
You look great! You leaned out considerably just in 2 weeks. What was your dieting/workout regimen like?
I had a baby 12 weeks ago and its taking FOREVER for the weight to come off. I have been working out since 4 weeks post-partum. I still can’t fit into any pre-pregnancy clothes. I am at a plateau the scale hasn’t moved in almost 4-5 weeks. Any suggestions?
Mindi O'Brien
Hey Allison…
Looking good girl!!
Congrats on your 4th place finish.You will continue to tighten up and make some improvements over the next few weeks…You will rock the house at your next show.
Mindi O
Northern Neil
Hey Alison. Good to see you’re still alive and competing. Where ARE you these days? I’m teaching up in the NWT – married now – 2 kids and another on the way. I haven’t heard from any of the old Ed gang in years. Drop me a line sometime and let me know what’s new. Take care and good luck in Hollywood (words I never thought I’d say to anyone).
Northern Neil
Hey Alison. Good to see you’re still alive and competing. Where ARE you these days? I’m teaching up in the NWT – married now – 2 kids and another on the way. I haven’t heard from any of the old Ed gang in years. Drop me a line sometime and let me know what’s new. Take care and good luck in Hollywood (words I never thought I’d say to anyone).
Northern Neil
Hey Alison. Good to see you’re still alive and competing. Where ARE you these days? I’m teaching up in the NWT – married now – 2 kids and another on the way. I haven’t heard from any of the old Ed gang in years. Drop me a line sometime and let me know what’s new. Take care and good luck in Hollywood (words I never thought I’d say to anyone).
Erin Heath
You look UNBELIEVABLE!!!! I can’t believe you just had a baby…I am just speechless! Congratulations for doing so well in Miami, and I know you will kick some serious booty in Hollywood!
Erin Heath
You look INCREDIBLE! It’s unbelievable that you just had a bay…I’m speechless! Congratulations on doing so well in Miami, and good luck in Hollywood. I know you will kick some serious booty!
Al B Here
um, wow. Well done!
Hey Allison, How are you doing? What is your training looking like right now? Cant wait to see how ya do at your comp this weekend:)
Hi Ally!
Sounds like you had a good time in Miami back up on stage. You looked great, especially after having a child recently. You are an inspiration to us all to keep on working hard to get to that level.
Congrats on your first show after having your little one- you looked amazing! I am sure it felt great to be back up on the stage again.
Hello, how did the competition go? Hope everything is well and I look foward to your next blog entry:)
Jennifer Jewell
WOW Allison! you look great!!!
drop me a line sometime