Hi Everyone!
Training is going really well. I am taking the time this year to really focus on every exercise, every movement, every rep, rather than being done with my training so that I can hurry up and move on to the next moment. I tend to rush things rather than living in the moment. Take some time for myself, and really just ‘be’.
Last week I got in all my trainings, 4 days, plus 2 routine practices. The second routine practice was not great but sometimes you go in and just have to punch the clock. I wanted to go to the gym earlier in the day, however, errands, and the holiday spirit kept me from doing that. By the time I got there in the late afternoon – the gym was not even open. Found out there was a campus wide blackout for the day. I practice my routine at one facility (the university in my town) and do my weight training at the gym in which I work. So I had to come to my gym for the routine practice. It had a great aerobic room, however, it is not very private. It can be difficult at times to ignore what is going on around you in order to be in touch with your creativity. I was not have a super creative day on Sunday, and felt as though my time was wasted. I was very frustrated at myself as I left, as I mull over the little details of my routine. That is just me. I will spent 20-30 mins just finding the right moves for a 4-count. To say exactly what I think the routine should say.
Eventually when I let go, and just let the routine come to me, it appears. I love when this happens. To allow myself to let go in order for the information to be received is the toughest part. I am learning to access this quicker as I practice that side of my creativity. Forcing the routine never goes well for me. The result is never genuine. And usually the judges can see right though that and score accordingly.
Diet has been surprisingly good. I am not having any cravings. I eat, I wait, I eat. Not much else. On the weekends, I usually go a bit crazy and just tell myself, “it will be ok”. Well you know what? It is never ok, and when you are preparing for a show the mental part is the biggest obstacle. I want to be a contender not just a participant in these events.
Here are this week pictures. Significant differences can be seen once you change into a regular stage suit – vs a regular bikini or just a sports bra and shorts.
I still have work to do, but things are moving.
Routine is about 90% done. This week I plan again to get in 4 trainings and hopefully one solid routine practice. My gym has some limited hours, but I will be in on Christmas. Yes –Christmas.
If you read last weeks blog – click here – wearing a suit when doing your pictures gives a visual image of what the judges will be seeing on the day of the show. The suit that I am wearing is from Tamee Marie. Choosing the right suit to fit your body is key. The choice of cut/style of suit for your body is essential, with color following right behind.
So how do you find a suit? Perhaps a video might help. What is the process? How much should I be spending?
Any other questions concerning suits – send questions here – contactallison@yahoo.ca. I will answer then in a video blog.
Until next week,
Alyssa Monique (PayFitnessForward)
How many days right now are you resting per week, and how many cardio sessions are you doing while still trying to build? Im having such a hard time resting from the gym, when I rest I feel guilty :/ thank you for sharing your progress I love following you
Allison Ethier
Hi Alyssa-
I am doing no cardio right now. None. 0. I will continue to do 0 as long as visually my physique changes.
Rest is part of your training. Hard to build muscle (or keep) if you never allow it to recover.
I take 1-2 full days off from the gym per week. If I am really tired, I listen to what my body tells me and rest.
With the routine practice 2x, and weights 4x, as the show nears, I might drop back to 3x per week of weights, as the routine takes quite a bit out of me.
At 5x per week of weights, that should be enough.
You diet should do most of the work when it comes to fat loss.