IFBB Flex Pro Prep – 5 days

Hi Everyone-


My office has good lighting.

Here we are, the final stretch. It is just around the corner.

As I write this I am having my beauty day that I love and dread at the same time. Love the pampering, getting my hair done but a bikini wax I could take a pass on that anyday. The things we women do in the name of beauty. I had a friend ince tell me that, “in beauty there is pain”. I do believe this to be true for the most part, however when it comes to thus prep the pain has been minimal.

I started my diet early this year, and have maintained a very normal existence in the throws of prep. Perhaps I have become accustomed to the process and realize that the day to day can be monotonous therefore I tend to focus on other things in my life that bring me pleasure like my work, and my family.

The routine is favorite part of the competition experience. It was the routine that inspired me to compete. It gave me a competitive outlet that was missing in my life. The physique since it was part if the competitive guidelines I had to do this aspect of the show. Over the tears I have come to respect this round and how a large effort is put into every minute detail.


Don't I look impressed?  Not so good lighting.


If I rub it, will it give me 3 wishes?


Here are some pics I took today at the salon with my favorite coiffuse -Annie.

She is amazing.

We came up with my hair color back in 2007 and it has been evolving ever since.

My lucky cooler is right beside me. 😉











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Written by Allison Ethier
Allison Ethier, is a wellness lifestyle & body coach, IFBB Fitness Pro, and mom & coffee lover. She provides structured training, and flexible nutrition, to guide everyday athletes, to move better, build strength, and feel good in their own skin. B.Sc, B. Edu, NSCA-CPT, ISSN, PN1 [email protected]
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  1. “The surest way not to fail is to determine to succeed” and you Allison fly the flag high on that quote , extremely beautiful , one of the best physiques I’ve ever seen on a women , and finally your drive for success , inspiring or what x

    • Thank you Lee. Great to have a new fan in you.

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