IFBB Flex Pro Prep – 46 days

Hi Everyone –

Here we are – 7 weeks out from the IFBB Flex Pro, and 9 weeks from the Arnold.  I am toying with attending the St. Louis pro which is schedule 2 weeks after the Arnold.  When you are in the off season it looks like a good idea, then you start the process, and wonder “what was I thinking?”   I am not sure if I will have enough stamina for a 3rd show in 6 weeks, but we will see.

The new IFFB rules state:

So that means my contract for the St. Louis Pro has to be in by February 16th, just before I leave for California.  I have already made my flight and hotel arrangements.  It does feel good to be organized.

With that new change in the rules this year they also changed the Qualification for the Olympia.  In the past it was top 3, and top 6 at the Arnold which qualified for the next year’s Olympia.  However this year the changes are as follows:

It is my ultimate goal to get to the Olympia – at least once in my life.  Sooner than later would be best, as I am not getting any younger, and fitness does take a toll on the body. I have been fortunate not to have any major injuries, but do get many twinges of pain, and shooting pain, every now and again.  I always take that as a sign I need more rest and recovery.  I listen to what my body is telling me rather than pushing through the fatigue.  I have found that in the past few years I am not able to recover as quickly as I once did.  One day off in the past is sometimes two.  More sleep as well.

Training this week – 4 trainings, and 2 good routine practices.

This weeks pictures:











Still have plenty of work to do.  My activity level has been lower this week due to the holidays, but I am seeing more changes in the front. For me the back end is the last to go. Some lose it last in the belly area, but for me, it is the backside that is last.   I see some imbalances from left to right.  I know that carry my son on the same side for years, and the fact that I have a stronger arm for the routine has contributed to this.  Always remember to work the other side.  I can carry my son, my purse, 4 heavy bags of groceries, and open the door with my pinky – but it is altering my symmetry.

The suit and shoes are always stored in the same place. The entry way hall closet.  They sit there, among the foam roller, and hockey sticks.

Next week, same goals as this week. I will be tightening up my diet a little more so that visually I will see some changes next week. Dieting this week is the first time I found it to be a bit hard.   Christmas day I did enjoy a meal, but did not feel like going overboard.  It was New Year’s that I really wanted to be apart of the group and participate.   I did have a glass of wine – (I think I might like wine now), and socialize till late into the night.  Did not make it to midnight.  Every year I tell myself I will make it to midnight, but my body always gives in before.

Routine has been going really well. Today I trained the routine, and was able to work my way through the whole thing. I am liking what I have designed.  All my tricks are not in there.   THat makes me a bit concerned, as I like making the routine as hard as humanly possible.  Sometimes they just don’t go with the musicality of the routine.  I have to stop myself and see that quality over quantity has always worked best.  It is hard to ‘sell’ the routine to the judges and audience, if you are always bopping around and moving.

I will be blogging for RX Girl, and also for Slimquick Razor.  Video blogs to come.

Here is the first highlight from RXGirl – click here.  Thank you to Gail Auchbach for the interview.  Quick too.   On RxGirl, they have started a thread in their forums – so feel free to post questions, or comments in that thread.

Until next week,


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Written by Allison Ethier
Allison Ethier, is a wellness lifestyle & body coach, IFBB Fitness Pro, and mom & coffee lover. She provides structured training, and flexible nutrition, to guide everyday athletes, to move better, build strength, and feel good in their own skin. B.Sc, B. Edu, NSCA-CPT, ISSN, PN1 info@allisonethier.com

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