IFBB Flex Pro Prep – 21 days

Hi Everyone-

As the Flex Pro and Arnold Classic draw closer, I find myself reminincing more everyday. When I started this whole fitness thing, and really just wanted people to ‘notice me‘. Although I had very little resources in the beginning, (the Internet was just developing 14 years ago), I have come along way not only in my training style/preparation, but my nutrition as well.

I thought I would go over my schedule for the week. I do work like most individuals and for years was a high school math teacher and had a ‘normal’ job and did fitness as my hobby.

My schedule as a teacher looked like this:

Up: 5:45am
Train: 6-7:15am
Prep for school: 7:30-8am
At School: 8:15am to 4:30pm
Back to gym: 5-6pm
Homework: 7-9pm
Prep meals: 7-8pm
Bed: 9pm

Then my schedule looked like this after I had my son and was still a teacher:

Up 4:30am
Train: 5-6:15am
Prep son for daycare, off to school: 7:45am
School: 8am to 4:30pm
Pick up son at daycare: 5pm
Motherly/wife duties: 5:30-7:30pm
Prep schoolwork for next day: 8pm-9pm
Bed: 9:30pm

Now this week I wanted to give you a glipmse into what my schedule looks like now that I am full time trainer.

Up: 5am
With Clients: 6am to 5pm
Pick up son: 5pm

*Train during the day when I can. But it is scheduled in there – I am my own ‘client’.

Food prep became easier as I over the tears you learn more and are smarter about it. I just don’t even think about what I am going to eat, as I prepare it and just eat it. There is no deviating from the plan.

I always felt that being a trainer would make it easier to get ‘to the gym’ as I was already there, however, like most things, if you do not schedule them and stick to them – the workouts – can get pushed aside. I promised myself I would never put myself last on my ‘to list’. There are things that are non negotiable in my schedule and one of them is making my workout appt and keeping it. Call it a mental health hour, therapy, or stress relief, either way if I don’t ‘move’ for X number of hours per week, I am a beast. I feel out of sorts, antsy, and slightly moody. My addiction is to movement.

Here is what I did this week, and how everything is laid out. It all is planned around my training schedule and food schedule.


Full day of clients –

5am – Up

6am – First client, back to back until 5pm. I had one client cancel so I had a window of opportunity to train. I would have taken the day as a rest day, however, since the opportunity presented itself. I jumped at it. Meals are quick, 5-10 mins at the most, usually standing, and then move on to the next client. I love it that way, back to back clients. Makes the day fly and I feel really productive.

5pm – pick up son, wifely and motherly duties, bed by 8pm.


Up at 6:30am. Usually up around 5am. Today I was tired. Must be the diet/training etc. Sometimes you just need more rest.

7-8:30 : son up, dressed, breakfast, ready for school, other housework that I can get done with 5-10mins here or there.

9am at work – Clients, and then off to my Bootcamp at another facility.

I train one bootcamp class, and the girls hockey team for the University. Love it. So much fun.

Would have trained my routine after the class however, 1. the aerobic room was booked, and 2. I had to take my son to the dentist. That took around 2hours.

Did not train today.


Up at 6:15am

7-8:30 : son up, dressed, breakfast, ready for school, lunches, my lunch, and snacks, other housework that I can get done with 5-10mins here or there. Usually is laudry and dishes. I don’t have a cleaning lady or a cook. I do all that myself.

9am – at gym. Training clients till 5pm. Lighter day today, however, wanted to train routine at 10am but a group class was in the aerobic room at my gym.

Trained from 10:30am to 11:30. Late meal #2. Timing is off but got back on track by lunch.

PM wanted to bust out my routine, but after legs there is not way I have any gas in the tank for that. Worked sections of my routine.

Supper 6:30, Snack, 8am, Bed by 8:30.


Woke up at 4:30am (must be getting good sleep), got up starting working.

Housework, until my son got out of bed. Prepped him for school, his lunch, homework (and he is in kindergarden), and prepped my food for the day, and at the gym by 9am.

Only one client today – so I got in early to practice the routine at my gym on the good floor. It is slightly sprung – compared to concrete, and is actually quite nice to practice on.

Started warming up and felt like my legs were bricks. Again, I always know that I can do legs after a routine day, or even the same day, but not before. I am not sure why I even try to do routine after legs – it just does not lend itself to an effectively routine practice. Got through a very shitty practice that day. Felt very discouraged, and beat up. There are days when I come in, usually after a day of full rest, and my legs are like springs. But today was not that day. It happens sometimes. Also I find that when I practice facing the big mirror and then switch it up to NOT face the mirror I get confused. This never used to happen to me but I never used to practice in front of a mirror for many, many years.

Bootcamp today. Love my bootcamp class. Clients come in work hard, sweat hard, and leave refreshed, and slightly sore. Nice.

Spend the rest of the day catching up on computer work.

Picked up my son around 4pm, supper at 5:30 for him, 6:30pm for me, and then the usual routine in the evenings. Homework, prepping bookbag, cuddle time, bed.

Went to bed a bit later today as I had to catch up on my housewives – I think I am a season behind.


Love Fridays! Up at 5am, spend the time reading. I enjoy spending those quiet moments reading early in the day before the sun is up. Feels like I get so much more accomplished, when the house is sleeping.

At the gym by 9am, and rocked my back and shoulders workout today. I thoroughly enjoy training. I feel strong, and motivated. All good signs when prepping for a show.

Today I will spend the day working, and finishing up items for next week.

This week’s schedule has been light compared to most. Keeping a balance between work, my training, and the food is always a challenge but I do take it day, by day and adjust accordingly.

This week I did add some cardio at the end of my routine practice, and one other day. The back end needs to tighten up more.

I have 20 days until the Flex Pro, and the Arnold is just around the corner. Starting to get excited.

This weekend, I will get in one other day of training, and a routine practice again.

I have no one home to take pics of me, so here are a few quick pics.

When your legs start to get lean you are very proud to “drop your pants”. I see why bodybuilders do this frequently.

Until next week,




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Written by Allison Ethier
Allison Ethier, is a wellness lifestyle & body coach, IFBB Fitness Pro, and mom & coffee lover. She provides structured training, and flexible nutrition, to guide everyday athletes, to move better, build strength, and feel good in their own skin. B.Sc, B. Edu, NSCA-CPT, ISSN, PN1 [email protected]
No Comments
  1. Allison, this was a fantastic post and a great inside look to see the dedication fitness takes. You’ve made health and fitness a priority in your life, and it’s wonderful for new moms, career women, etc..to see that busy women don’t *have* time, they *make* time. You have to.

    I have a number of women I consult with for personal development, and regardless of their psychological variables, along with strategies for them, fitness/eating well is always a priority for me with my clients – it changes lives.

    Your pictures certainly show your work, and I wish you the best of luck as you approach the Flex Pro and Arnold. You’re a great example for others to see…thank you for sharing this!

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