Fitness America Nationals 2006

“You had a baby?” That is what I heard most of the weekend, followed by a “you look great”. (Love hearing that BTW) And well most of you are wondering how the weekend went…for me it was a great show.

The results were as follows….top 5

1. Dawn Butterfield
2. Sheri Vucick
3. Vanda Hadarean
4. Nikki B.
5. Jenn

The full results will be posted on the site, or site on Friday.

I placed 8th.

I performed my routine perfectly, but with that being said, it was not as skilled as it would have been in the past, and definitely not as skilled as my competitors. I do have to work on getting my strength back, and everyday it returns. I will be returning to FAP for the Universe and the Nationals next year, as I would love to win the big one (ok one of the two) one more time (or for the first time), before having baby #2.

By next season I will be just as strong as I was prior to the baby, am willing to learn a few new tricks. 😉

Here are some pics

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This one is courtesey of John Atherton

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Allison & Liana

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Allison, Linda & Liana

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Allison & Amy

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Allison & Amber

Loved being on the Fear Factor stage. It was big and bouncy too. Glad to have competed in these 2 shows, as it really eases my nerves for next year, and fires me up at the same time to really put together a dynamo, routine.

The girls were a lot of fun as usual. Lots of laughs, sharing similar stories, the running to and from the tent (which was our changing room), the opening number. I always loved competing in fitness, but now I really enjoy it more and don’t take myself too seriously anymore. Somehow Zach (the little guy), has put a perspective into my life that I have not been aware of before.

Up next for me, well, Christmas…already decorating, and baking some seriously calorie laden cookies, shopping, answering email,and trying to get myself to the Arnold again this year.

I just want to thank my sponsor Slimquick for encouraging me through my return to the fitness stage. Sylvia Tremblay of TremblayDesigns, thank you for putting together my routine outfit, and swimsuit in such a short time. They were beautiful and I will be asking for more in the new year!

Congratulations to Dawn Butterfield for winning the big one! I am so proud of you for sticking it out, and pushing forward!

Talk soon,


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Written by Allison Ethier
Allison Ethier, is a wellness lifestyle & body coach, IFBB Fitness Pro, and mom & coffee lover. She provides structured training, and flexible nutrition, to guide everyday athletes, to move better, build strength, and feel good in their own skin. B.Sc, B. Edu, NSCA-CPT, ISSN, PN1 [email protected]
No Comments
  1. It still stuns me to see just how fit you are. I wish I had your dedication and discipline. Good work in the shows!

  2. Hey Allison, I just wanted to congratulate you and tell you how awesome I think it is that you competed in the two shows recently. You look great and should really be proud of yourself! And I can relate to you on the new perspective of things your little one opens your eyes to. You are very inspiring to me and one of the reasons I got into the fitness world. I hope to compete as well aroung the 6 month postpreg time frame. Congratulations again!

  3. Allison you looked great. I have been waiting to see post pregnancy pictures of you. You are an inspiration. I just had triplets 8 ½ months ago and have been trying to fit in my workouts along with school and taking care of the three of them. Christmas break will be good and I’ll have time for some serious workouts. I have lost all of my 50 pounds gained and am hoping to compete again. I competed in 2003 and placed 5th and since have been excited to return. I took us a year to get pregnant so that is way I have not competed since then. Anyway just wanted to get in touch with you and say you looked great and maybe one day we will meet.

  4. Congratulations! What an accomplishment. I don’t know how you did it in such a short time. I have been trying to get my act together for years LOL. You are a great motivation. I love your blog:) I have been a fan for a long time.
    also congrats on your new baby

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