Day 7: Stick-to-it-iveness
Strength of will
Some projects are bigger than others, but in general there’s always something to work on.
There are moments when you are content where you are
other moments when you want to paint, change walls, re-arrange a room, or even gut everything and start over
Your body
Like a house ?
You have to work on it daily?
Work on it when you don’t feel like it?
There will be days when you were tired?, sick ?or just don’t have time? or even “just don’t feel like it” days.
“Clock in days”, I call them.
Days you go in, head down and work hard
A body is built/reshaped over weeks, months and years, set by set, rep by rep ??
Then one day you will arrive
?TA-DA ?
??THERE ??
…(then you will find something else to improve/paint/adjust/rearrange etc..)
Let’s get to work ??