Day 11 : Work Ethic
Day 10 : Work Ethic
“The only place success comes before work is the dictionary”
-Vince Lombardi-
If you want to change your shape, add muscle, lose bodyfat, or even just get into better health, you need to put in some effort.
Not just once a week (although some is always better than none), but consistent, focussed effort.
Seeing results in a period of time that will keep you motivated to work hard, you need to put forth an effort (including nutrition) that will work for you.
A plan that will work with your current fitness level, life situation (work, family, stress, recovery), and time you have to devote to the goal.
Structure for success:
Set goal ?
Get a plan ?
Work your plan ??
Assess progress?
Repeat daily?
You cannot expect 100% results with 50% effort.