Lifestyle BiMonthly Check-In

Fit Her Lifestyle Coaching Clients | Check In

Check-In Guidelines and Bi-Monthly Checklist

Check-ins are an effective tool to help you stay accountable and reinforce your healthy lifestyle habits.

Here’s how the process works:

Tracking and Logging

  • Record your accomplishments from the past two weeks in the app to evaluate what’s working and identify areas for improvement.
  • Prefer a paper tracker instead of logging online? Click here | Biweekly Paper Tracker.

Check-In Schedule

  • Check-ins are due twice a month, on the first and third Mondays.
  • You’ll receive reminder messages the day before (Sunday) to ensure you don’t miss them.
  • If you’re unable to submit a check-in (due to vacations, holidays, etc.), send me a brief summary of how things are going or note that no check-in will be submitted for that period.

Bi-Monthly Checklist

  1. Weight and Measurements
    • If your goal is weight or fat loss, weigh and measure yourself on Friday or Saturday before indulging in an off-plan meal.
    • Off-plan meals, often higher in fats and carbs, can cause water retention, temporarily affecting results.
  2. Check-In Summary Form
    • Submit your bimonthly form twice per month. Dates are set months in advance of check ins.
    • If you miss a check-in, simply submit updates during the next check-in period.
  3. Photos
    • Progress photos are due once per month, on the first Sunday.
    • These dates will appear in your app calendar and can sync with your online agenda for added convenience.

Feedback and Q&A

  • I’ll review your check-in form and provide personalized feedback.
  • Questions and answers will be addressed in the Q&A group, with a summary shared in the lifestyle coaching group.

Monthly Calendar Features

Your monthly calendar will include:

  • Workouts designed for time limitations and home equipment (± 3 hours per week)
  • Macro and calorie targets listed in your calendar.
  • A lifestyle habit to practice (~4 weeks duration).

Additional Notes

  • All check-ins must be submitted by Monday at noon EST.
  • Stay organized and proactive by utilizing reminders and the app’s calendar features.

By following these steps, you’ll maintain consistent progress and set yourself up for long-term success!

—Coach, A.

All items are required unless otherwise specified.

Lifestyle Biweekly Report

Take a look at your calendar, and tell me how many strength training session you participated in.

Take a look at your calendar, and tell me how many cardio session you participated in.

Could be walking, running, machine cardio (bike, elliptical, stepper, step mill or treadmill)

Hiking, shovelling, sledding, gardening, biking, playing a sport.

Check any that apply.

Give me 1-3 statements, as how your nutrition is going, specifics, positive things, and what you feel you need to work on. Number them, 1, 2, 3 etc.

Are you pooping reguarly? Just making sure you are eating foods that are agreeing with your digestion.

Are you getting 7-9 hours of sleep per night? Do you wake feeling rested? Are you going to be at a regular time, each day, and waking each day at a similar time?

Any limitations in joints, shoulders, knees hips that could prevent you from training, or managing your nutrition?

ie - reps, sets, and loads.

The work/life balance is it currently working for you? Any areas you would like to improve? Name 1-3 things you would like to work on for the next 2 weeks.

Did you realize anything about your training/nutrition or mindset? Has anyone said anything positive to you concerning your health or fitness? How has exercising impacted your mindset, how you feel, and your energies?


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