Arnold Brazil Update – One week to go.

Hi Everyone –

It has been a while since I have posted.   My last update was at the beginning of my prep.

I knew I did not have as much time as I would have liked, however, I had been eating well, on a schedule, and was quite busy at work. So I was dieting, but not REALLY dieting.  However, prior to knowing I was going to Brazil, I had made plans to go as a family to Disney for March Break this year.  I knew that training, and travel and dieting really don’t go well for me when I am not at home, however, I was not going to allow my competition prep get in the way of fully enjoying, and being in the moment at the happiest place on earth.  With food being so expensive on the Disney sites, paired with only fried fast food options at many of the restaurants, I did not feel at any time that I was missing out on any part of the experience.At Disney.

We ended up walking all day long, 6-8 hours a day.  As I did not think we would be back anytime soon, we hit all 4 parks, the same water park twice (as one was cloesed) and a super arcade at Downtown Disney that we visited 3 times as once you are in all the games are included in the fee.  It was nice to escape the cold of Canada, however, when we got there, the temperature at home was warmer than in Florida.  I was pretty cold most of the time, and not having brought my winter coat was regretting it. I managed to workout 2x during that week, and kept my meals on track, with the odd glass of wine here and there.   I had worked out like mad before leaving and  make sure my routine was done, and on track, so relaxing a bit that week did not stress me out.  Life is meant to be lived, and I have been dieting for about half of it, so this time around, this prep, I was enjoying certain moments.

Upon returning from Disney it was 7 weeks to Brazil.   Vacationing with my family always reminds me of what is truly important.

I was more motivated and ready to do a great job, in a country I have never visited.  I want to represent myself, Canada, and the IFBB to be the best of my ability.  Applying for the invitational shows are always a crap shoot, as you never know if you are going to get in.  Most times you have to start the dieting process before knowing. They are prestigious events, and it is always like the first time when I get selected.  I am always grateful, a little apprehensive, and very honoured that I can continue to do what I love.

At times not being in competition prep mode, leaves time for other things, however, after a break I am always ready to get back at it.

This year’s theme is still the 50s themed, Route 66 routine. I knew I could do it better, and bring a better package than I had presented this past September at Valenti cup.  You can see that routine here.  Side note: the high waisted shorts are gone.

Tamee Marie is once again constructing me a fabulous suit. Now her suits come in their own special case –

Special Case - no more zip lock baggies.

Special Case – no more zip lock baggies.

Near the beginning of April I judged the APQ Quebec Open.  My first judging gig.  It was nice to be on the other side of the table for once, to see what the judges actually see.  I always appreciate how hard it can be to sit on that side of the table.  It IS work, and not easy when everyone looks amazing.

Someone at the show asked me if I was competing and I said, “three weeks”, and he commented on healthy I looked.  I did not realize that prepping for a show = unhealthy, however I have a theory.  In the off season, my face gets very ’round’.  Not necessarily fat, but round, so when I get skinnier, I just look healthy.  My face still looks full even when my body is depleted.  But if you were to look at me today, I am sure I do not look as ‘healthy’ as 3 weeks ago.

Now that I am around a few days away from leaving for Brazil – one weeks to actually competing, this prep has not been that bad.

I have changed a few things in my approach to prep.

  • I went from 6 meals to 5 for the day.
  • I cut my protein powder much earlier in prep and stuck with real food.
  • I did more cardio – not an insane amount but more than in 2011, similar to what I was doing in 2010.
  • My routine has more speed/power than previous year.
  • I listened to when I was tired, and just took a day off if needed – this is 1-2 days per week off. Even if I felt like I could train, I forced myself to take it off.  Being older, means not recovering as I could when I was 21.
  • I went to bed much earlier to help recovery.

I do recognize some not so good things about myself when I am prepping.  For instance, at times my personality – it is just flat.  Perhaps it can be perceived as calmness, however, I find it more flat.   I chalk this all up to being tired.  I do get up at 4am, and work all day, and then come home to job #2 being a mom – so who wouldn’t be tired?  Being tired is part of the process, but throughout this prep, I changed my reaction for those days I was tired.  I allowed myself to relax, by having more rest, rather than trying to make things happen quicker. Sometimes you just want to be there, and you miss the journey, which for me includes being present in my life.

There were times in previous preps,  when I just want the day to be over.  That never happened this time.  I enjoyed everyday, and every moment.  I am focusing on bringing good things to my life, and those who take energy away I limit my time with them, or avoid them completely.   Life is so short, and through various incidents in the media, and my own life, I am reminded of it daily.   My perception and my subsequent reaction to various situations has made the journey more pleasurable.

I have oodles of things to prepare before I am off next week.

Thank you to my clients who are extremely understanding and patient. They are all amazing and I am so lucky to have the privilege to train them. I will bring back lots of photos to share.   Thank you to my husband for taking some of my responsibilities at home, so that I could take more time to prepare/train for the show.  I am ready for this one.

Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you’re kind, amazing things will happen.
Conan O’Brien


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Written by Allison Ethier
Allison Ethier, is a wellness lifestyle & body coach, IFBB Fitness Pro, and mom & coffee lover. She provides structured training, and flexible nutrition, to guide everyday athletes, to move better, build strength, and feel good in their own skin. B.Sc, B. Edu, NSCA-CPT, ISSN, PN1

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