59 days to Nationals

Ok, here we go. It is or was my ‘official’ start to my diet on Sunday. I have been waiting for this moment since I stopped by diet about 3 months ago. I am so excited to be competing again this year at the Nationals in Vancouver. I have been looking forward to competing since last year’s show. I knew that the results would improve last year. I placed 5th in 2007, then 3rd in 2008 and well I am hoping to follow the pattern and move up two more spots to 1st in 2009.

I will post progress pictures on a weekly basis – more if I can. It would be interesting to see pictures on a daily basis and then put them in a video and see the changes from 60 days down to show time in one 60 second video.

How much weight do I need to lose? Probably 10lbs or so. Any more I and I feel I get too skinny and start to lose my shape (this is what the judges don’t like). Coming in fuller is not something I like, as I really like when I get skinny. And I think we all love when our clothes get looser, and well, sometimes skimpier.

I won’t be getting a new suit as I really love the one that I have. However, my costume needs more ‘flash’ and well, I might as well do it myself. I have some ideas, and have no sewed in a while but am looking forward to making my own creation.

My focus for the Nationals is to entertain the crowd. In the past I have tried to entertain the judges, and guess or predict what they want and the funny thing is…. I never did any better. Sometimes I actually did worse. When I focussed solely on me, and what I could achieve is when I did better. External factors, those out of my control at times got me down, and clouded my purpose. This show is not just about getting my pro card, but it is about putting my best product on the floor, and showing that I am a champion even if I do not get first in the judges eyes. There have been moments in my career where I could have done better, and other moments where I did my best and did not win. It happens like that sometimes. But with me I tend to focus on how I did not win, rather than how much I achieved leading up the show. This year I am changing my focus. The focus is not on the outcome but in my performance. I am always trying new things, ideas, costumes, skills – sometimes they impress and sometime they don’t. I do try all the time to improve myself and move forward. I am willing to take risks and am so proud that I can still do this after all these years.

At the end of the school years I always do a back tuck for each of my classes, to celebrate the last minute of their school year. They are always so excited to see that – so I do it twice. I am 32 years old and can still standing tuck. That is pretty cool. I was just hoping to be able to do that when I am 30, but I have surpassed that goal.

This summer I have quite a bit of travel planned. In two weeks I am on a family vacation, then back home for 2 weeks, then off for the weekend, then away for 2 more weeks, then back home for final weeks prep for Nationals, then Nationals, then family vacation, then back home, then another week of travel…then school starts. So, in other words I have to be very disciplined with my food. I have vowed not to workout every day leading up the show like I have in the past. I will make my gym workouts more efficient, and keep my diet cleaner. 3 days weights, 2 days routine, and 2 days of rest. Right now I am dieting for 2 weeks, then off for a family vacation. I will still be ‘on diet mode’, but if I feel I need to cheat — I will. After I return from vacation I will still have 42 days or so of dieting, and for me that is more than enough time. (did you follow that?)

This week is my last week of school. I have another exam, some marking, organizational things for next year, and then off to math conference the following week. This year has been much less stressful than last. I am so grateful to be able to work as much as I do and try to maintain a fitness/family balance. I agree it is not easy. And honestly, never realized how tough it is to maintain a certain amount of balance between the two.

In other news I have been invited to attend the World Championships in Como, Italy with the Canadian Bodybuilding Federation. That would be cool to compete in Italy as I have never been there before. I will have to think this over as the event is in October of 2009 and would require me taking a week off of school. Teaching has many benefits, but unfortunately I cannot take days off in the middle of the week, so going to this event, might not be in the cards for me.
But it was nice to be invited to go.

Here are some pictures from today. Yes, there is work to be done. 59 days and counting.

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Written by Allison Ethier
Allison Ethier, is a wellness lifestyle & body coach, IFBB Fitness Pro, and mom & coffee lover. She provides structured training, and flexible nutrition, to guide everyday athletes, to move better, build strength, and feel good in their own skin. B.Sc, B. Edu, NSCA-CPT, ISSN, PN1 [email protected]
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