2013 Arnold Classic Europe-Wrap Up

Where has the time gone?  I find that every time I try to sit down to write in my blog, I get pulled away due to work to my work and family obligations, so please excuse the delay.  I was unable to blog weekly as I had hoped, and thus only have a start and end point to the competition journey.  When I was not a mom, I had much more time to devote to my blog, and now since my son has started his activities, driving him places seems to take up any spare moments I do have.

Starting a diet in the summer (at least for me) is no fun.  I find myself not wanting to be dieting, not be training as intensely. However, in order to experience the Arnold in Madrid Spain, I had to put my wants aside for this summer, and focus solely on how I knew I was going to look fabulous come October.  I knew that my coach – Tad the diet coach – had my best interests at heart, and would steer me in the right direction.  I left all decision making up to him, (with the exception of the routine), and went about my food prep, disciplined training, and mental focus on a daily  basis.   I have to mention that I do love the process, mind you not always in the summer, but I would do the diet and the training regardless if I competed or not.

Everything leading up to the show went as planned.  The thing I always forget is how much cooking I do just before I travel to a show.  I like to cook and take everything with me so that I am always prepared.  So since I left on a Wednesday, I would have to cook for 4-5 more days to get to me Saturday. I don’t really like ordering my food from a restaurant because when you have special requests things can get mucked up.  Before a show I am obsessive about my food to the point that I annoy myself, so just to avoid all of that I bring my own food.

After an overnight flight, we arrived on Thursday  and were transported to our hotel in Madrid.  It was the host to many amateur athletes from all over the world.  It was interesting to see so many International competitors from various countries.  The thing that people might not know is that many foreign countries pay their amateur athletes to train and to attend the shows. It is a similar set up to how Canada would fund international calibre athletes to train for the Olympics. However this does not happen in Canada or the US.

The show was not until Saturday so I had time to explore some tourist areas.  Most of Thursday,  I spent walking around and finding grocery stores, training at the gym and trying to stay awake to get used to the time change. Whenever I arrive at a new city I like to explore and get the lay of the land.  Since I was in Madrid  it was even more essential to be exploring and see whatever I could with the time I had.  That night we went for a walk and looked around many tourist areas, such as Royal Palace, and Catedral de la Almudena.

When I was in Brazil I did not have time to look at the expo and enjoy the sights of the show.  So on Friday I made  plans to check out the expo.  A quick workout in the morning with a few fellow IFBB Fitness pros then I was off to the venue to see the amateur show and booths that were presenting at the expo.  It did not disappoint.  Luckily it was Friday and most of the locals were at work, as the expo was busy but not crazy packed busy (like it got on Saturday).

We saw some interesting things – such as a Rubik’s cube tournament.

They even had a skipping demonstration in which they were doing fly pushups, splits and even back tucks while skipping.

Friday afternoon was time to start the competitive process. I am such a white girl that I need multiple applications of JanTana tanning product to look my best.So I start the day before the show. Arnold even stopped by during the day so I snapped this quick picture.

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Saturday was filled with all those competitor preparatory rendez vous such as tanning, hair, makeup etc.  So much of the day is spent getting ready for the big show.  We had an athlete meeting at 3:30 so I arrived at the venue for 9:30 in the morning. Saturday tends to be the busiest day of any Arnold show, and estimating traffic in the Madrid area, I knew that arriving near my tan time would put me late so I always choose to arrive early.  It is always better to have more time than not enough.

All the makeup/tanning etc was at the venue so going between the venue and the hotel was not an option as traffic was really bad. After you are tanned, walking anywhere – in the heat or otherwise – is not a good idea as you will sweat and this might change the color of your tan. With time to spare,  I choose to stay at the venue and browse around for a bit.  I was able to see all the amateur fitness routines – and some of the pole fitness event.(of which I am currently taking classes)

There was over 800 amateur athletes competing in the bodybuilding, fitness, figure and bikini events.   I even browsed all the booths, to see what’s new, however I noticed the prices of supplements to be really high in Spain.  Compared to Canada they are even higher, and in the US  where the supplements are the cheapest.

On the day of the show, sometimes the schedule for appointments can get backed up.  It is always a good idea to know how to do your own hair/makeup and tanning just in case yours does not work out with the schedule.  From experience with shows, you learn not to panic, and just go with the flow.  Things always have a way of working themselves out.

Many of us Pros were getting our makeup etc done near a similar time so we all went over together as a group.

Arnold was at the meeting, we received our numbers, and then it was to preen some more to get ready for the physique round.

I realize now that I made many ‘rookie’ mistakes this show.  I just did not seem to have my head in the competitive game. I did not bring back up hair products – straightener etc, my clothes backstage that I normally lounge around in – I forgot all of those, and make up – I did not bring any extra with me.  These are things you would expect I would know, but some how I must have been thinking of other things.  As I am mentioning – “hey make sure you know how to do these things yourself “- I however did not heed my own advice.

Thank you to Babette Mulford who lent me her hair straightener for the show.  I remember way back starting in fitness and all the girls would do their own hair, and own makeup and sometimes even help each other.  It was very low key back then, compared to how girls get ready for shows nowadays.

The physique round went pretty quickly – 10-15 minutes and we were on and off stage.

You can see the callouts here:

[nz_youtube id=”5KltMquK5KY” width=”853″ /]

I knew going in that I was not big enough.  I am never big enough.  I like my size. I like my size in the off season.  I find that I am too muscular most days (for the normal population), and on stage look too small.  For that 10 sec that it really matters, I wish I was bigger.  Only in that one moment do I wish, however, the other 364 days of the year I am very happy to be me.  How did I present during the physique round? I thought I brought the tightest backside that I have ever had in sometime.  I worked hard to try to bring down my lower half.

Here are a few pictures:

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Are there still things I can improve?  Sure.  Improvements are part of the journey.

After the physique round, we all went backstage, and got our routine costumes on and start warming up.  Luckily we were able to get on the stage during the break to warmup our skills and feel out the carpet and stage area.

Here is a video of my routine and how it all went down:

[nz_youtube id=”Q9fHpApZmtc” width=”853″ /]

From my perspective it looks really slow.

At the end of the event, I placed 10th.  I think that is about right, considering the calibre of athletes who presented on that day.  I am never really sure of what the judges see each show, and no one can get upset as we (the athletes) don’t decide on what placing we get.  You just prepare, and show up and hope the judges like you.  “Like you” in the sense of rewarding you with a good placing.  Could I have done a different routine? Sure.  I felt that the presentation fell a little flat.  But there is no use in mulling over it and wondering what could have been? You just regroup, make a new plan, and try again.

You can see further photos of my journey in Madrid on my Facebook page.

I am very much in love with the process of preparing for a show. I could be in ‘prep mode’ all the time.  I am more organized, I get more stuff done, and feel more in control. The end of the prep phase I could do without – so lets say a ‘model shape’ I could maintain all year long–stage shape not so much. You are tired, you are hungry, you are a little annoyed with eating all the time, and prepping similar foods.  I do enjoy eating well, feeling lean, looking lean, and having my clothes (all my clothes) fit me all the time.

Thank you to my husband for making the long journey with me to Spain.  (like he would have said ‘no’ right?).

Thank you to my mom for coming up to look after our son for the time we were away. It was great to see her, and let her have some time with her grandson.

Thank you to the IFBB Professional League for inviting me to this event. I have wanted to attend since its inception 3 years ago.

Thank you to Tamee Marie for her fabulously well designed suit. She really out did herself this year – I am sure the suit is online for rent or purchase.

RoccoRemy Luxury extensions for their hair pieces that I wore for the show.

Thank you to PublicMyth clothing – who outfitted me with stylin’ workout gear for the event.

JanTana for her fabulous makeup and tanning for the show.

Thank you to Tad the diet coach for guiding me in bringing down my lower half for this show, and tightening up my backside.

And a huge thank you to all my clients who continue to support my endeavors.  I truly am grateful to them for their understanding, especially near the end of preparation phase.

So what is next for me?  I did put in for the Arnold in Columbus – I know I am crazy!  I did not attend last year, and would like to be back in C-town for this huge event.  I love the atmosphere, and seeing all the athletes, and what they bring to the sports festival.  It has always been my most favourite event of the year.

So until the lists come out – which is usually around Dec 25th or so, I will be preparing in anticipation of attending.

Fingers crossed.


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Written by Allison Ethier
Allison Ethier, is a wellness lifestyle & body coach, IFBB Fitness Pro, and mom & coffee lover. She provides structured training, and flexible nutrition, to guide everyday athletes, to move better, build strength, and feel good in their own skin. B.Sc, B. Edu, NSCA-CPT, ISSN, PN1 info@allisonethier.com

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