2013 Arnold Brazil – Wrap Up

IMG_4146The 2013 Arnold Classic Brazil is complete. I had a fantastic time, and it truly was a truly a trip of a lifetime.  Being able to do something I love – competing, and pair it with international travel is a dream.  I am so happy and proud to have been apart of the first group of IFBB professional fitness women to make the journey to the IFBB Arnold Classic Brazil.

It all started out the Wednesday before the Saturday night show. We [my husband and I] made our way to Montreal for my flight to Brazil with all my food for the week.  I often get asked how to travel with your food, and I really should make a video.  There was only one issue on getting through security, as I had packed an ice pack.  I knew they would take it away from me, but I tried anyways.  They asked if I had an ‘special dietary restrictions’ and  I should have said yes – however, being honest, I said no. The security agent told me  if I had a low blood sugar condition I could take the ice packs, as they make exceptions for diabetics etc.  Note to self.  For this trip, I used my old tried and true methods of traveling with my food – preplanning/pre measuring, my carry on bag, cooler, and some strategic freezing.

The flight in itself was not too bad, however, sleeping sitting up right, on a plane is never comfortable.  Paired with many bathroom stops, and having body parts fall sleep, I made it to Brazil. Many of those involved with the show were on the same flight, as most flights to Rio are overnight flights.  A close to midnight boarding makes me very antisocial, and I think most were tired as well.   I regularly go to bed at an early hour, so being up to midnight makes me feel almost drunk, and very spacey.

Arrival in Rio, was relatively easy. The Arnold Committee picked us up at the airport and we were able to check right in to our hotel.  We were located in downtown Rio. Everything that we needed – gym, grocery – and some shopping were all within walking distance.  The gym was across the street and was open 24 hours.

I took many pictures of the gym, as it is a little old school, but the view was interesting.  I cannot see mountains from my gym.  It was 3 floors, and even had open spacing for routine practice.  It was very convenient.

I was able to work out lightly, and get settled in.

The next day, Friday, we had a meeting the evening at the expo for our event.  There was a bit of drama as one bodybuilder did not make it the meeting on time, and was eventually disqualified from competing in the show.  All our fitness gals were there, and we were all catching up on things.  Nicole Duncan did an interview with some of the fitness gals the night before the show.  See here.

The rest of Friday was exploring the expo, taking pictures, and waiting for a taxi to take us back to the hotel.

Saturday I could not do much as the day was filled with preparatory work, trying to figure out my tanning, makeup, hair, resting, eating, for the show.  The bus took all us competitors near 5 o’clock over to the venue for prejudging/finals.  The event took place separate from where the expo was being held. It was held at the place they store the floats/costumes etc. for the Carnival event Rio is famous for.  It was very fitting as it was in large circus tent.   I thought it to be very ironic as competing can be a bit of a circus event.

Prejudging went quite quickly as it usually feels like it does.  With only 10 women it is easy to judge.   I was in second call out pushed was out to the side.  Knowing I was near the bottom of the score sheet for physique, I knew I had to nail my routine.  My weakness is always the physique round.  For that one day, I do feel wish I was bigger but for the other 364 days of the year I am very content/happy/proud of being in my body.  But for that one moment I wish things were different…

After prejudging, we set up for the routine.  We had around 1-1.5 hours of in between time while the bodybuilding prejudging was happening.   I am always impressed with the guys. They are very conditioned, and quite a bit bigger than myself.  I took much opportunity to snap some quick pictures.





Although the backstage area is quite busy, and at times intense, this show had lightness about it.  Getting ready for the routine, was a bit tight, but luckily all of us were able to get onstage to warm-up and practice a bit. It is key for a fitness gal to get on the stage, rather than warm-up back stage.   You get to get in your zone, and figure things out mentally.  I also think warm-up onstage in front of the audience, gives a competitive vibe, the way ice-skating does when the athletes warm up on the ice.  We fitness gals need the warm-up. You spend so much time working on the routine, and you want everything to go over well, that warm-up period is key as you do what you would do normally to get ready to practice.

When it was time to go, I was not nervous as I was the third girl out, and waiting 4 minutes is not that long when you are about to perform.

When it was my turn, they started my music further into the routine about 5 second in.  And I did not go, as I would have been playing catch up to my own music.  So they tired to start it again, and by the third time, I was able to go.  You can see it on the video.  I am the third routine.  Luckily sometime video it and you are able to see what happened in Brazil and enjoy all the fitness routines.

IFBB Fitness Routine Videos

I did get a great response from the audience after the music issues.  Speaking with all the girls after and they all commented on how the music all started into their music rather than before.

After all the routines, we had another bit of break, so we took our time to get back into the two piece suits, and fix our makeup/hair.

Here is quick of video of us fooling around backstage before awards.  We are all friends, outside of the show, but when it is time to compete – we compete.

Fitness Pros @ Arnold Brazil 2013

Allison Ethier

For the awards I was a little surprised.  I was not expecting anything except a good performance, and showing up and doing my best.

Top 6 gals

Top 6 gals

Luckily I got 6th place, and was able to stand among my fellow top girls in the box.  It is always a great feeling to stand in the box and have your hard work recognized.

Here is a video of the awards – it is grainy but you get the idea.


Allison Ethier

After the show we were all pretty tired. Although there was an after party, I am not really into that scene anymore. Most myself included, just wanted to eat, and go to bed.

So with that – we called it a night.

The girls by the PoolThe next day all the girls were to meet for a photo shoot – we did manage to get a few shots in.

I also wanted to interview some of my fellow girls about their careers in fitness. I find it so interesting which girls choose fitness and choose to stay in fitness vs. all the other divisions.  Editing in progress.

After that most of us, dispersed and said good-bye.  Most were going home that night, however, I was staying another 3 days.  I thought before I booked this trip that travelling  to Rio does not happen weekend, so made a little vacation out of it.

My husband and I did all we could do while we were there in Rio.  Copacabana, Ipanema, Sugar Loaf Mountain, Christ the Redeemer, saw the stadium where some of the World Cup of Soccer games will be held next year, and the event place for the famous Carnival Festival.

I posted many photos to Facebook.


Everyone does this pose at Christ the Redeemer.

I had never taken a vacation immediately after a show, as I usually end up rushing home to return to work.  It was a nice change, and by the end of the stay we were both missing home and we ready to return to life.

Thank you to Bob Lorimer and the Arnold Classic Brazil committee for the invite to compete at such a prestigious event.  I am extremely proud of what I presented in Brazil, and honored to be selected among a group of very talented, and committed fitness athletes.

Thank you to Bianca Brizzi, and Carmencita Estanislau of Savaget Promoções e Eventos in Brazil.  They were both extremely helpful when called upon, and kept us all updated, and informed throughout the event.

Thank you to the IFBB and Dr Rafael Santonja,  IFBB President, for continuing to hold fitness events at the top bodybuilding, & fitness shows in the world.  I am excited to see where future Arnold Classics will be held.

Thank you once again to Tamee Marie of TMariesuits – She continues to do fabulous work.  If you liked my suit please contact her for availability and pricing.

And thank you to my husband for making the journey with me. He has not traveled to a show with me since 2003. This week he was reminded why – however, going to Brazil is even an opportunity he could not pass up.

So what is next for me?  Not sure.  The Toronto Pro is the next show just around the corner on the #ifbb pro fitness list, and it is no go for me, as I committed myself a long time ago to a wedding.   There is the #TampaPro which is scheduled for the second weekend in August.  Again, timing is not great, as summer is very busy for me, and my family.  If I cannot truly to commit to the process, 100% of the time,  effort, and costs outweigh the benefits.  I want to be able to qualify for the Olympia, and if I cannot focus and bring my best, the expenses is too high to just ‘be there’.   Talking with fellow competitors gets me motivated to be there, however, I know I am making the right choice for myself and my family. If I am meant to go to the Olympia someday I will get there.

I have expressed interest in the Arnold Classic in Spain in the fall. This is a better timeframe for me. So in the meantime I will be working to improve my physique.  The body is like a house – always a work in progress.

If you can have anything you want in life, just not all at the same time.

Talk soon,


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Written by Allison Ethier
Allison Ethier, is a wellness lifestyle & body coach, IFBB Fitness Pro, and mom & coffee lover. She provides structured training, and flexible nutrition, to guide everyday athletes, to move better, build strength, and feel good in their own skin. B.Sc, B. Edu, NSCA-CPT, ISSN, PN1 info@allisonethier.com

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