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Allison Ethier | Online Coach, Personal Trainer, Mom, IFBB Fitness Champion, Fitness Model & Coffee Lover.

Strength training benefits everyone, regardless of age or fitness background. I meet you where you are, focusing on foundational movements to build strength and help you achieve your goals while boosting body confidence.

All my coaching and training products come with a “feel, move, and look better” guarantee. Follow the training and nutrition plan, and your program is guaranteed to work, positively impacting every area of your life.

We all want to move better, stay healthy, and feel good in our skin. If you’ve struggled to “get fit,” remember: the key is to keep showing up!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is your fitness background?

With 25 years of experience in the fitness industry, I help clients simplify their training and nutrition into one cohesive easy-to-follow plan and guide them to the next level of fitness.  My experience covers a wide range of clients — from personal training, online coaching, challenges (Start Her Fit Kit), contest prep clients and posing classes, and BootCamp Classes (Fit 515).

You can read more about my background on the About Me page, and view my resume. (or even do a quick Google search 😉 )

What is your education and certifications?

I have a B.Sc in Biology, B. Education, NSCA-CPT certified (National Strength, and Conditioning Association), a sports nutrition certification from the ISSN (International Society of Sports Nutrition) in nutrition, CanFitPro PTS (Personal Trainer Specialist), and PN1 (Precision Nutrition) certified.  

I have an extensive background in bodybuilding, competing, and contest prep.  I am a fitness champion in multiple federations, including Fitness America, Fitness Canada, Canadian Physique Alliance (former CBBF), NPC and IFBB pro Status.  

Highlights of my fitness career include modelling for Ironman Magazine & Oxygen magazine, Muscle & Fitness hers, and attended the Arnold Classic 8x and qualified for the Olympia 3x.

What type of coaching services do you offer?

I offer challenges (4x per year), on-going group coaching (Fit Her Lifestyle Coaching), and individualized training & nutrition (1:1 coaching) for those looking for a more personalized experience. 

Feel free to explore the coaching page to find out the details of each coaching package, and how we can work together OR visit the shop for an immediate access to a training program.

What type of nutrition plans do you offer?

The best approach to nutrition is based on your current fitness goals, relationship with nutrition, and your body’s biofeedback. My approach is structured but flexible. 

I mentor and educate on nutrition, help you develop your lifestyle habits in a sustainable long-term approach, and help you find the balance between eating the foods you love, and the results you want.  There is no one style of eating I recommend but I am familiar with vegan, vegetarian, no dairy, balanced (all foods), for building strength, muscle, and losing body fat. 

What is the best way to contact you?

Please use the contact form, and tell me a little of your story and what you would like to achieve. I like to understand my clients better.

If you don’t receive a response in 48 hours, feel free to reach out again, there are times when your email might get lost in cyberspace.

PS – I answer all my own emails.

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